Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Heist

It was silent, as it always was during this time of night. People were sleeping in their beds and the streets were empty but a few homeless men, prostitutes, and drug dealers all looking to make their dough. The moon shined a dull light tonight; the perfect light for them. They moved quickly and quietly throughout the various neighborhoods.  They hopped fences and climb over walls with amazing speed and agility. Their all black clothes and black face scarves did well to hide their young features and their large backpacks carried nothing more than small knives and gloves.  Finally they made it to their destination. Picking a small window on the rear of the building, they quietly unscrewed the caps on the window and swept through.
“I don’t want any mistakes. BJ, you and I are going to grab the money but first Tony you get on that alarm system. When everything is set, we meet back here at exactly two hundred hours.”The heist begin.
            Tony, BJ, and Danny have been friends since they were five and have been stealing from pawn shops, small banks, and jewelry stores since they were 10. They’re not rich but they’re not poor either. It’s the thrill that gets them, or at least what got Danny when he stole the vodka glass from the drugstore near his house. He only wanted the bottle because of its decorative blue and clear design. He convinced the others to follow along and each heist there after improved their speed, agility, and cleverness until they could rob a store so good it was as if the store was never robbed at all.
 “Come on where you,” Tony grunted.  He had to find it. It was the only way they were going to get away with this. He scanned the walls frustrated until his flashlight beamed over a gray electrical box.
“Well hello there”, he said with a smirk and he begin working the cords inside the box, cutting off security cameras and laser floor traps that triggered the alarm system if you stepped in its beam.
“Your turn”, said Tony and BJ and Danny begin ransacking the jewelry store. When the boys first started out they stole everything in sight but Tony realized that that was how the cops would find them so they robbed strategically. So they only took money, this way the cops could never find them. BJ and Danny grabbed their sum of money and one by one the boys left the store. That’s when they heard the sirens.
“I thought you turned off the alarm systems,” exclaimed Danny.
“I did,” said Tony nervously and the boys ran faster but it wasn’t fast enough for the cops who were hiding out near the store. They encircled the boys and demanded that they raised their hands. BJ wasn’t going down without a fight and tried to charge at one of the officers before he shot BJ in the chest.  The two boys screamed but their protest meant nothing to the cops who slammed them to the ground.

The cops had driven the boys to the hospital because of BJ but they had Tony and Danny chained to the ER chairs.
“All you have to do is tell us why you did it,” one of the officers goaded. Danny spit in his face and the officer gave him a hard slap to the cheek.
“Where’s BJ?” asked Tony. The officer laughed.
“I hope God has a jewelry store in heaven because it sure as heck going to be nicer then the place you two are going.”

The two boys begin to cry and the heist ended. 

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